For Immediate Release Date: June 10, 2020
Contact: Emily Bir (517) 449-0930 emily@templarbaker.com
Pat O’Keefe Announces Bid for MSU Board of Trustees O’Keefe Running on a Six Point Platform of Governance, Accountability and Reform.
LANSING, MI – Michigan State University (MSU) Alumnus, Pat O’Keefe, is formally announcing his intention to run for MSU Board of Trustees.
O’Keefe, a recognized strategic and financial advisory expert, is a proud Spartan who aims to make MSU stronger through accountability, innovative solutions, and free speech.
From overwhelming student debt to restricted free speech and Clery Act violations, Michigan State University has lost the trust of Michiganders.
Pat O’Keefe has put together a platform to address these critical issues and put MSU on the right path to success and to restore the trust of students and alumni.
- Prioritizing Michigan Students
- Protecting Free Speech
- Making College Affordable
- Ensuring Students’ Safety
- Innovating Learning Technology
- Preparing Our Citizen-Students
For more information on Pat O’Keefe and his campaign to be MSU’s next Trustee, please visit his website at www.okeefeformsu.com
Patrick M. O’Keefe is the Founder and CEO of O’Keefe. Mr. O’Keefe is recognized as an expert in the fields of strategic advisory services, corporate reorganization, debt restructuring, turnaround consulting, due diligence support, valuation and litigation support. For over 30 years, Mr. O’Keefe has been active as a financial consultant and turnaround advisor to under-performing businesses in various industries including, retail, construction, automotive, manufacturing, and real estate, and has successfully completed assignments in out-of-court and Chapter 11 restructurings. He is an advisor to financial institutions and business owners in complex workouts and asset recovery strategies. Mr. O’Keefe is the immediate past President of the Detroit Athletic Club and a past President of the Detroit Chapter of the Turnaround Management Association including several years of service on the International Board. He is a past Board member for First Independence Bank, one of the largest minority owned banks. He recently served on the Advisory Council for M&A Advisor and is a member emeritus for the Michigan State University’s Department of Accounting and Information Systems, as well as a past advisory board member of the University of Detroit Turnaround Management Program, Cleary University, and Oakland University’s Finance and Accounting Department.
Paid for by Pat O’Keefe for MSU, 18 Lone Pine Rd., Bloomfield Hills, MI 48304