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Good Morning,
    My name is Pat O'Keefe, candidate for MSU Board of Trustees, and I would like to take a moment to introduce myself to those of you recently elected to serve as a Delegate or Alternate for next weekend's virtual convention.
    Michigan State University is at a crisis point and it needs a Trustee who understands what it takes to upend the status quo and bring about a positive change for students and faculty. I am that candidate.

    I am an experienced leader who has helped large organizations in times of crisis,both as a CEO and as a professional in the field of crisis management. I have been recognized as an expert as a strategic and financial advisor with a proven track record of developing creative solutions. I am also a forensic accountant responsible for investigating several large Ponzi schemes in Michigan.

    I graduated from MSU with a Bachelors in Accounting, Cum Laude, and have given much of my time, talent, and treasure to my alma mater. But like many of you I have been extremely disappointed with the current leadership at Michigan State and I am determined to make the changes necessary to restore the trust and integrity of my beloved university. With that in mind, I am running on a six-point platform that I would like to share with you.

  • Prioritizing Michigan Students
    • MSU uses state dollars. That means we must be sure all Michigan state residents are a priority for admission over non-Michigan students. Michigan is a diverse state. The University should be able to handle diversity initiatives by educating Michigan students.
  • Protecting Free Speech
    • Critical thinking comes from being exposed to diverse opinions. We are shortchanging our students by censoring campus speech. This has been especially true of conservative viewpoints, which have been suppressed nationwide on college campuses.
  • Making College Affordable
    • I am committed to making MSU affordable by developing thoughtful and fiscally responsible operations. MSU students leave college with educational loan balances that look like home mortgages – except students don’t get a house. This scenario does not give our next generation hope for a better life when they are indentured servants to freely accessible government loan programs.
  • Ensuring Students’ Safety
    • Situations like what happened with Larry Nassar must never happen again. MSU must ensure a safe environment for students, as well as timely and accurate reporting on Clery Act violations. MSU should be ashamed of having the highest penalty ever enforced for a Clery Act violation. As part of their governance responsibility, the MSU Board of Trustees must ensure safeguards and internal controls are in place for accurate reporting and student safety.
  • Innovating Learning Technology
    • The delivery of education is changing. The latest pandemic has demonstrated knowledge and acceptance of e-learning initiatives. MSU must strategically and competitively develop a plan to use all of the tools necessary to deliver a cost-effective quality education.
  • Preparing Our Citizen-Students
    • I am an accounting graduate and business owner who firmly believes that a strong understanding of the values of self-reliance, capitalism, ethics, and the U.S. Constitution should be a minimal goal of higher education.
    I invite you to learn more about campaign at my website and Facebook and YouTube pages.

    I would be honored to have your endorsement and your vote to be the Republican nominee for MSU Board of Trustees.

Go Green,

Paid for by Pat O’Keefe for MSU, 18 Lone Pine Rd., Bloomfield Hills, MI 48304

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Pat O'Keefe for MSU | 18 Lone Pine Rd., Bloomfield Hills, 48304